Validation de votre paiement par Stripe...

<section class=""> </section> <section id="subSection_11099" class="subsection" > <section id="section_payement_confirme_11099" class="section_11097_11100 template_section_40" style=" " data-resourceid="11100" data-info="" > <style scoped> #rowcontainer_payement_confirme_11099.container { width:100%; } #rowcontainer_payement_confirme_11099 .container { width:100%; } </style> <div id="rowcontainer_payement_confirme_11099" class="rowcontainer_11097_11100 template_rowcontainer_40 container" style=" " data-resourceid="11100" data-info="" > <div class="row"> <div class="col-xs-12 pb15 textcontent" style=""> <div id="siteeditor-content-11100-rte" href="/rest/newsiteeditor/field/11100" field="content" method="PUT" class="siteeditor " data-resourceid="11100" data-successmsg="Modification effectuée" ><h1><strong><span style="color: #169179;">{{#orderIsPaid}}Votre paiement a &eacute;t&eacute; valid&eacute;. Nous vous remercions de votre commande.{{/orderIsPaid}}</span></strong></h1> <h1><span style="color: #ba372a;"><strong>{{^orderIsPaid}}Votre paiement a rencontr&eacute; un probl&egrave;me avec Stripe. Votre commande n'a pu &ecirc;tre valid&eacute;e par notre site. {{/orderIsPaid}}</strong></span></h1></div> </div> <section class=""> </section> </div> </div> </section> <section id="section_lancement_de_la_livraison_11099" class="section_11097_11101 template_section_101" style=" " data-resourceid="11101" data-info="" > <style scoped> #rowcontainer_lancement_de_la_livraison_11099.container { width:100%; } #rowcontainer_lancement_de_la_livraison_11099 .container { width:100%; } </style> <div id="rowcontainer_lancement_de_la_livraison_11099" class="rowcontainer_11097_11101 template_rowcontainer_101 container" style=" " data-resourceid="11101" data-info="" > <div class="row"> <form id="form_11101" class="col-xs-12 style1" action="/rest/commerce/deliveryprocess/" method="POST" data-blapy-noblapydata="1" > </form> <script> if (typeof initFormCode_11101 !== "function") { function initFormCode_11101() { //start JSWebsiteToInclude $.doTimeout(100,function() {//in order to let all (submit) code to be loaded $("#form_12197").submit(); }); // start init function addHiddenFields(anArrayName, anArray) { Object.keys(anArray).map(propertyname => { if ( anArrayName == "" ) fieldName = propertyname; else if ( !Array.isArray(anArray[propertyname]) && typeof anArray[propertyname] == "object" ) fieldName = anArrayName; else fieldName = anArrayName+"["+propertyname+"]"; if ( Array.isArray(anArray[propertyname]) && typeof anArray[propertyname][0] == "object" ) { addHiddenFields(fieldName, anArray[propertyname]); } else if ( typeof anArray[propertyname] == "object" && ! Array.isArray(anArray[propertyname]) ) { addHiddenFields(fieldName, anArray[propertyname]); } else { $("<input />").attr("type", "hidden") .attr("name", fieldName) .attr("value", anArray[propertyname]) .appendTo("#form_11101"); } }); } $(document).off("submit", "#form_11101"); $(document).on("submit", "#form_11101", function(event) { event.preventDefault(); //debugger; if (!$("#form_11101").attr("data-initDone")) { // {{=<% %>=}} //to skip mustache processing const localData = JSON5.parse("{}"); addHiddenFields("", localData); $("#form_11101").attr("data-initDone","1"); // <%={{ }}=%> //to reactivate mustache processing } // get all the inputs into an array. var $inputs = $(this).serializeArray(); // not sure if you wanted this, but I thought I'd add it. // get an associative array of the values in the form. var formValues = {}; $.each($inputs, function() { if ('[]') >= 0) {//this input is an array of input (as select options) let'[]',''); if (!formValues[name]) formValues[name]=[]; formValues[name].push(this.value); name = name.replace('FORM_',''); if (!formValues[name]) formValues[name]=[]; formValues[name].push(this.value); //add a variable with the concat of the array... formValues[name+'_concat']=formValues[name].join(); } else { formValues[] = this.value; formValues['FORM_','')] = this.value; } }); //parse tag values with input $.each($inputs, function() { // {{=<% %>=}} //to skip mustache processing var match = this.value.match(/{{(.*)}}/gy); //search tag field name that could be used from blapyURLData_Link // <%={{ }}=%> //to reactivate mustache processing if (match != null) { formValues[]=Mustache.render(this.value,formValues); } }); //add the submit input info that is not given by the serializeArray if (event.originalEvent) { aSubmitInput = $(event.originalEvent.currentTarget.activeElement); if (aSubmitInput) { //the submit was emitted by an input that is not of submit type (enter on a field perhaps) if (aSubmitInput.attr('type') != 'submit') { //let's get the first submit object aSubmitInput = $("*").filter(':submit:visible:first') } if (aSubmitInput && aSubmitInput.attr('name')) formValues[aSubmitInput.attr('name')] = aSubmitInput.attr('value'); } } let blapy_id = "12199"; let blapy_target = blapy_id.split('->'); let blapyObject=blapy_id+"_div"; if (blapy_target.length>1) { blapyObject = blapy_target[0]; blapy_target= blapy_target[1]; } else { blapy_target= blapy_id; } if ($.isNumeric( blapy_target )) blapy_target = "blapy_"+blapy_target+"_div"; $('#blapy_'+blapyObject).trigger('postData', { aUrl: $(this).attr("action"), params: jQuery.extend({'embeddingBlockId':$('#'+blapy_target).attr('data-blapy-container-name')}, formValues), method: $(this).attr("method"), noBlapyData:$(this).attr("data-blapy-noblapydata") }); });//end on submit }//end initFormCode_11101 if (typeof $ !== "function") { window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initFormCode_11101, false); } else initFormCode_11101(); }//end if </script> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section class=""> </section> <section id="subSection_12199" class="subsection" > <script id="script_11103" data-extmessage="{{{extmessage}}}"> $(function () { //debugger; let error_message_11103=""; let error_extmessage_11103 = ""; let error_code_11103 = "{{code}}"; let error_class_11103 = ""; let error_delay_11103 = 5000; //debugger; switch(error_code_11103) { case "200": error_message_11103 = "L'ouverture de vos services est effective ! Merci !"; error_class_11103 = "success"; //error_delay_11103 = 2000; break; default: error_message_11103 = "Nous avons eu un problème pour ouvrir vos services... : {{message}}"; error_extmessage_11103 = $("#script_11103").attr("data-extmessage"); if (error_extmessage_11103 != '') { error_extmessage_11103 = "<pre>"+error_extmessage_11103+"</pre>"; } else { error_extmessage_11103=''; } error_class_11103 = "danger"; break; } $.imxNotify(error_message_11103,error_class_11103); }); </script> {{#isDelivered}} <a href="12073">Vous allez être redirigé vers votre espace vidéo !</a> <script> $.doTimeout(3000,function(){ window.location.href = "12073" }); </script> {{/isDelivered}} <section id="section_nous_avons_rencontre_un_probleme_12199" class="section_11097_11105 template_section_40" style="{{#isDelivered}} display:none; {{/isDelivered}} " data-resourceid="11105" data-info="" > <style scoped> #rowcontainer_nous_avons_rencontre_un_probleme_12199.container { width:100%; } #rowcontainer_nous_avons_rencontre_un_probleme_12199 .container { width:100%; } </style> <div id="rowcontainer_nous_avons_rencontre_un_probleme_12199" class="rowcontainer_11097_11105 template_rowcontainer_40 container" style=" " data-resourceid="11105" data-info="" > <div class="row"> <div class="equalHeight col-xs-12"> <div class="titleBackgroundLine title"></div> <h2 class="title fittext" style="" data-minfontsize="16" data-maxfontsize="100" data-fittextsize="" data-displayRefWidth="1900" ><span style="background-color:transparent;" > <span id="siteeditor-longtitle-11105-rte" href="/rest/newsiteeditor/longtitle/11105" field="longtitle" method="PUT" class="siteeditor " data-resourceid="11105" data-successmsg="Modification effectuée" >{{^isDelivered}}Nous avons rencontré un problème...{{/isDelivered}}</span> </span> </h2> </div> <div class="col-xs-12 pb15 textcontent" style=""> <div id="siteeditor-content-11105-rte" href="/rest/newsiteeditor/field/11105" field="content" method="PUT" class="siteeditor " data-resourceid="11105" data-successmsg="Modification effectuée" ><p>{{^isDelivered}}</p> <p>Nous sommes d&eacute;sol&eacute;s mais nous n'avons pas su activer vos services.</p> <p>Nous vous invitons &agrave; vous rapprocher de nos &eacute;quipes qui vont s'avoir r&eacute;soudre au plus vite cette anomalie.</p> <p>{{/isDelivered}}</p></div> </div> <section class=""> </section> </div> </div> </section> </section> V1.3.0 ©sept 2024 by LivinWeb Engine v5.0.8 - Mentions légales - Politique Cookies